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Nomad No More

I’m currently sitting in a coffee shop, journaling, reading, processing. I guess you could say I’m being pretty basic right now, but there’s just something so great about sitting in a coffee shop and reflecting on life. Especially this coffee shop, cause it’s one I’ve been to before: the Inman Perk. We came here a lot during Project Searchlight after the Race. It’s right on the square, and it’s wonderful. And the best part is that it’s right next to Atlas Pizza, the place where I had my first (amazingly delicious) meal with my first team of the Race. It kinda feels like I’m at the place where it all began – right before I start my next adventure.


I’m really grateful for this extra couple of hours I have before moving in to my CGA house this afternoon, because I’m basically feeling ALL the feelings.



I’m a classic Meyers-Briggs “F” right now. I’m so ready and excited for this new season. No doubt about that. Buttttt leaving home was a bit more of a challenge than I expected. I lived at home for six months after the Race, aka longer than I’ve lived anywhere (without a break) since high school. As crazy as living at home at age 23 made me feel sometimes (often), I loved it! (Try not to get too emotional, Ma.) And just as I was feeling comfortable and settled back in to life in PA, it was time to pick up and move to GA. Ah, life!


Don’t get me wrong; I really am so pumped for what’s to come in this new season. But sometimes I feel like a nomad.


In the past two years, I’ve lived in 14+ different places and slept on AT LEAST 50 different “beds” (I use that term loosely). I could easily feel like my life is in complete chaos, with no direction. But it’s moments like these – sitting in this coffee shop in the square like I’ve done a few times before – that remind me my life is anything but chaotic. Because my life is in the hands of a God who loves me and knows me, and I’m following a path He’s so intricately designed for me and only me. A path that always leads to Him.


So no matter how crazy life gets, no matter how little I know, no matter how much I may feel like a nomad…as long as my roots remain in Him who brought me here, I AM home.


Here’s to the next great adventure with my wild and wonderful Creator!