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Long Hair Don’t Care (okay maybe a little)

In case you haven’t seen or heard, I’ve been growing my hair out for the last year and a half. There were many-a-weird looking phases throughout the process, but luckily looks don’t matter very much on the World Race… Fast forward to today, and my hair makes me feel a little bit like this:


The other day I (finally) got a trim and freaked a lot of people out by pretending that I spontaneously got it all chopped off. (Hehe, that was fun.) So today, I am inspired to blog about my hair. Over the last several months, I’ve learned a lot about life with long hair and many of the challenges that come along with it. And to think so many women deal with these their whole lives…

So, without further ado, I give you #LongHairDontCare Problems.

1. I actually have to brush my hair. I don’t think I ever seriously brushed my hair a single time before this long hair life. In case you didn’t know, brushing your hair seriously hurts. Or maybe I’m just doing it wrong. I don’t know.

2. Hair products are expensive. WHAT EVEN IS CONDITIONER AND MOROCCAN OIL?!?!?! Also, shampoo lasts approximately 25% as long.

3. Speaking of shampoo and conditioner, showers take a million minutes longer. I can no longer blame my sisters for taking forever-long showers. Washing my body now takes up about 10% of my shower time.

4. More hair = more heat retained. The neck sweat is real.

5. However, when the air is cold and my hair is wet…SOS. Did you know hair can actually freeze??? Did you know wet hair in cold air actually drops your body temperature approximately 1,000 degrees? 

6. Speaking of wet hair…long hair stays wet FOREVER. Throwback to the glory days when my hair would be bone dry five minutes after a shower. Since when do I actually have to use a towel turban to dry my hair?

7. Shedding is a REAL problem. Long hair gets everywhere. The shower, the sink, the mirror, my clothes, your clothes, my food, your food…EVERYWHERE.

8. Driving with the windows down immediately leads to a mouthful/eyeful/earful/faceful of hair. Yum. 

9. Speaking of wind, it turns your hair into one giant rat’s nest. THE TANGLES ARE REAL.

10. Sleeping is hard. All this hair gets alllll up in my face when I’m just tryna enjoy my soft lil’ pillow.

11. Hair ties like to break at the worst time, every time. UGH!

12. FLY AWAYS ARE OF THE DEVIL. Enough said.

13. Chapstick is a hazard. Did you know that long hair can get stuck to your lips when you wear chapstick??? Neither did I…

14. And one that’s probably not much of an issue for most women… I get called Jesus on a regular basis. I mean, the goal is to look more like Him on the inside, but I can’t help it that Jesus had long locks and a snazzy beard too… (But seriously, some children have been convinced that I am ACTUALLY the second coming of Jesus. What.) 


Maybe I’m being a tad dramatic. Maybe. But at the end of the day, none of these little struggles matter, cause someday I’m gonna get to donate these ~beautiful~ locks to a child who needs them more than me!

Also, hairflips make it all worth it.